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Middle market businesses or divisions of larger companies with owners who are either considering the sale of their business or bringing in a partner in the short to medium term, or need assistance on a less than full-time basis for specific projects or activities. Often, the business may be operated by a founder or owner with no succession plan. Although not sellers in the current environment, they realize that there may be potential changes that can be made in their business that will enable them to maximize value quickly when the timing is appropriate.

Private Equity
Portfolio companies that need interim financial or business development assistance.

Investment Banks
The cost structure of investment banks is not set up to handle monthly
engagements to address operational changes for their clients. In many cases,
it may be advantageous for the investment bank to engage Cadence to identify
and help the business owner address these issues prior to formally going to market, thus maximizing value while freeing up the investment bank to focus on clients
that are ready to access the market in the short term.

Commercial Banks
The market is rife with good companies that have voilated, or are on the verge
of violating, covenants in their credit facilities. In many cases, it may make sense
to bring in Cadence on a short-term basis to assist the owners and work with the commercial bank to get the business back on track.



Typical Clients